For August’s pledge, we have again turned our attention to the local environment that surrounds our office. On Lisieux Way, tucked away behind the Methodist Church, next to Tescos you will find a community garden. This is cared for by a small group of people and creates an open space for wildlife and families to enjoy.
The community garden includes a pond which has fallen into disrepair over the years and needs a new liner and a slight redesign. For our August pledge we’ve therefore committed to providing the community group with the new pond liner they need and a few members of staff (for 120 minutes!) to help empty the old pond, enlarge the pond and lay the new liner.
Peter Thomas, a committee member at the Community Gardens, said “We really appreciate guidance from Somerset Wildlife Trust, and the support of A C Mole in terms of funding for the pond liner and the man power to be able to complete this project”. The garden is used by local residents and a number of children’s groups, and maintained by a small group of volunteers with very limited funding.
The RHS say that, there are many benefits to community gardens including
• Pride of place: public spaces improved by the people that use them allows a sense of ownership and shared learning – for lasting benefit
• Greener surrounds: more gardens mean a cleaner and greener place to live and visit (91.5 per cent of recently surveyed RHS Bloom and It’s Your Neighbourhood groups listed this as a key benefit to taking part)
• A healthier environment: attracting wildlife with plants that could help to boost local biodiversity and tackle air pollution
• Transformation: community gardens can regenerate run-down areas and boost the local economy
• Safer streets: Cleaner, greener environments have been linked to lower crime rates and reduced anti-social behaviour
• Healthier communities: Local food growing can help people make better eating choices, while green exercise is linked to better mental and physical health
For more information on the Lisieux Way Community Garden take a look at their Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/LisieuxWayCommunityGarden
For more information on Community Gardens take a look at the RHS website – https://www.rhs.org.uk/get-involved/community-gardening